Why does nylon conveyor belt oxidize?

Why does nylon conveyor belt oxidize?

1. Oxygen: When nylon conveyor belts are exposed to air for a long time, the oxygen in the air will react with nylon molecules to cause oxidation, resulting in a decrease in performance.

2. Ultraviolet radiation: When exposed to sunlight for a long time, ultraviolet rays will accelerate the aging and oxidation process of nylon.

3. High temperature environment: In a high temperature environment, the molecular chains of nylon conveyor belts are easily broken, accelerating the occurrence of oxidation reactions.

4. Chemical contact: When nylon conveyor belts come into contact with certain chemicals (such as acids, alkalis, oxidants, etc.), chemical reactions will occur, leading to oxidation.

5. Mechanical stress: Long-term mechanical stress will make the molecular structure of nylon conveyor belts unstable, making them more susceptible to oxidation.


In order to reduce oxidation, our company takes the following measures:

1. Try to avoid exposing nylon conveyor belts to strong sunlight, or use sunshades.

2. Try to maintain a suitable temperature in the working environment of the conveyor belt and avoid high temperature environments.

3. Avoid chemical contact: Try to avoid contact between nylon conveyor belts and corrosive chemicals.


4. Regular maintenance: Check and maintain the conveyor belt regularly to find and deal with problems in time.

5. Use antioxidants: Add antioxidants when producing nylon conveyor belts to enhance their antioxidant capacity.

The above are the reasons for the oxidation of nylon conveyor belts and the solutions of our company-Zaozhuang Jinfulex Rubber and Plastic Technology Co., Ltd. Avoid direct sunlight, control temperature, avoid chemical contact, regular maintenance, use antioxidants, etc. If you want to know more, please leave a message in the background or contact us directly by“ enquiry@chinajinfle

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