Applicable places for oil-resistant conveyor belts

1.食品加工行业 油炸食品生产线:用于输送薯片、炸鸡等油炸食品。 肉类加工厂:在加工肉类、鱼类等富含脂肪的食物时 2.机械制造业 发动机装配线:用于传送与发动机油、润滑油接触的部件,确保传送带在装配过程中的性能不会受到油污染的影响。 3.化学工业 石油化工厂:耐油输送带用于输送石油、油漆、润滑油等含油化学品,防止化学腐蚀。 塑料、橡胶制造:用于输送含有增塑剂或润滑剂的原料和产品,这些原料和产品往往带有油性。 4.汽车制造业 汽车装配流水线:用于传送与润滑油、燃油、液压油等油类接触的汽车零部件,保证生产线的平稳运行,避免传送带因油污造成损坏。 车间清洗区:位于车辆清洗保养区域,用于输送需要清洗保养的汽车零部件。 5.冶金和采矿 矿物油处理设备:用于输送含有矿物油的矿石、煤或其他原料,保证输送带在含油环境中长期使用而不损坏。 钢厂:在炼钢过程中,采用耐油输送带来输送含有油性杂质的铁矿石或废料,防止输送带受到油污染的腐蚀。 因此耐油输送带主要适用于食品加工行业、机械制造业、化学工业、汽车制造业、冶金矿山行业。 枣庄金福 拥有50年输送带生产经验,以丰富的经验和创新能力满足各类应用需求。公司还建立了完善的售后服务体系,能为客户提供及时、专业的技术支持和售后服务,无论客户在使用过程中遇到什么问题,都能得到快速的响应和解决方案。


Advantages of oil-resistant conveyor belts

1. Oil resistance: Made of special synthetic rubber or other oil-resistant materials, it can effectively resist the erosion of various oils such as mineral oil, vegetable oil, animal oil, etc., and prevent the conveyor belt from deteriorating, swelling or hardening. 2. Wear and aging resistance: It usually has high wear resistance, can withstand long-term friction and wear, alleviate aging, and is suitable for conveying heavy-loaded materials containing oily substances to extend its service life. 3. Anti-slip: The surface design of the oil-resistant conveyor belt has good anti-slip properties, which can provide stable friction even in a greasy environment to prevent [Read More…]


What are the advantages of acid- and alkali-resistant conveyor belts?

Acid- and alkali-resistant conveyor belts are specially designed for conveying acidic or alkaline substances. They are widely used in chemical, mining, electroplating, metallurgy and other industries. Its main advantages include: 1. Chemical corrosion resistance: Made of special chemical corrosion-resistant materials, it can resist the erosion of various acid, alkali and salt solutions, suitable for long-term use in corrosive environments, and not easy to damage or age. 2. High temperature resistance: It can convey chemicals in high temperature environments without deformation or failure, and is suitable for places such as high temperature reaction areas of chemical plants. 3. Good mechanical strength: [Read More…]


Why do you like to choose black conveyor belts?

Black conveyor belts are very common in the industrial field. Today, let’s take you to reveal the reasons. 1.Beautiful and unified Black has a classic, simple aesthetic that can match various industrial environments and equipment colors.                2. Strong stain resistance Black conveyor belts are not easy to get dirty and can effectively cover up stains, dust and oil stains caused by daily use. 3. Wear-resistant and durable Black rubber materials often add carbon black to the formula. Carbon black can not only enhance the wear resistance and heat resistance of rubber, but also [Read More…]


How to choose a conveyor belt?

Conveyor belts are a powerful assistant on the production line. Their stability and efficiency are crucial to production. So, how to ensure the long-term and stable operation of conveyor belts? First of all, make sure the frame is stable during installation, choose the appropriate model and length, and adjust the appropriate tension. When using, avoiding overloading is the key. Check its operating status regularly and eliminate abnormalities in time. At the same time, keep the surface of the conveyor belt clean to prevent debris from affecting operation. Maintenance should not be ignored either. Regular lubrication, cleaning of dust and debris [Read More…]


How to choose a conveyor belt?

Conveyor belts can efficiently and continuously transport items. From production lines to warehouses, from farmland to processing plants, they all need the help of conveyor belts. Conveyor belts not only improve work efficiency and reduce labor costs, but also ensure the safety and stability of the transportation process. In modern production, conveyor belts have become an indispensable equipment, providing strong support for all walks of life. So how should we choose conveyor belt manufacturers? First of all, we should pay attention to the quality of conveyor belts. Qualified conveyor belts should have good wear resistance, tensile strength and bending resistance. [Read More…]


Operation process of bucket elevator

Bucket elevator, as an efficient vertical conveying equipment, its core component – the conveyor belt, is not only a simple transmission device, but also the key to achieving vertical lifting of materials. During the operation of the bucket elevator, the conveyor belt plays a vital role. Driven by the powerful power of the bucket elevator, the conveyor belt operates in cycles, providing a stable and continuous ascending channel for materials. Although the conveyor belt here is called “conveying”, its main responsibility is more towards “lifting”, transporting materials from lower places to higher places efficiently and safely. This lifting process places [Read More…]


What is the lifespan of a conveyor belt? How to maintain it?

Conveyor belts are indispensable in industrial production. It carries materials and ensures the continuity and efficiency of the production process. But do you know how long the life of a conveyor belt is? So how should we maintain the conveyor belt? Extend its life? First, regular inspections are key. Regularly check the wear of the conveyor belt. Once it is found to be damaged or seriously worn, it should be replaced in time. At the same time, you should also pay attention to the tension of the conveyor belt. Too tight or too loose will affect its service life. Secondly, [Read More…]