What is a layered fabric core conveyor belt?

1、覆盖胶:上覆盖胶+下覆盖胶 覆盖胶的用途是保护织物芯免受磨损、冲击、水和其它有害作用。根据不同的使用条件,覆盖胶有普通型和特种型。特种型可满足耐磨、耐油、耐热、阻燃、耐酸碱等特殊要求。 2、骨架层:涤纶布(涤纶+锦纶)、尼龙(尼龙+尼龙)、帆布(棉线+棉线) 带的织物芯起着维持带体张力和支撑结构强度的作用,在工作时承受几乎所有的载荷。 3、芯胶:具有良好的织物粘合性,使帆布紧密结合,增加带体的屈挠寿命,使布层间的连接更有弹性,使带在运转时布层不会脱落。 因此分层织物芯输送带的结构主要由上覆盖胶、下覆盖胶、骨架层、芯胶组成。 枣庄金福来 拥有50年输送带生产经验,全线产品通过MA认证,荣获“全国唯一质量金奖”,我们生产的输送带防水、耐老化、不易断裂、不易脱粘。 如果您想了解更多关于分层织物芯输送带的信息,请在评论区留言或直接通过电子邮件“”联系我们


What is a wire rope core conveyor belt?

The internal structure of the steel wire core conveyor belt is composed of multiple strands of high-strength steel wire ropes interwoven into a strong skeleton. The open design allows the core rubber to penetrate into it, which not only prevents corrosion but also enhances the close combination of rubber and steel wires. The outer covering layer and edge rubber are made of wear-resistant, high-elastic rubber to effectively protect the interior while providing excellent friction and impact resistance. In order to meet diverse needs, we have launched a new structural conveyor belt that strengthens the bonding between rubber and steel wires [Read More…]


What is the role of flame-retardant conveyor belts in the metallurgical industry?

1. Good flame retardancy: It has self-extinguishing high temperature resistance, reduces the risk of fire caused by high temperature and the speed of fire spread, and protects personnel safety. 2. Reduce losses: The use of flame-retardant conveyor belts can reduce economic losses caused by fire and ensure the continuity and stability of the production process. 3. Durability and reliability: It has good wear resistance and durability, can be used for a long time in harsh working environments, and reduces maintenance and replacement costs. In summary, flame-retardant conveyor belts have good flame retardancy, durability and reliability, ensure the safety and continuity [Read More…]