What is the reason for the conveyor belt to slip?

Sometimes we encounter the situation of conveyor belt slipping at work, which not only affects production efficiency, but also may cause certain damage to the equipment. To analyze this phenomenon in depth, we must first make it clear that when the normal operating belt speed of the conveyor belt is lower than 35% of the roller speed, slipping may occur. The core reason behind this is the insufficient friction between the roller and the conveyor belt. So, why does this lack of friction occur? In fact, many factors may cause the friction between the roller and the conveyor belt to [Read More…]


How to solve the problem of conveyor belt slipping?

我们在工作中有时候会遇到输送带打滑的情况,这不仅影响生产效率,还可能对设备造成一定的损坏。 要深入分析这一现象,首先要明确,当输送带的正常运行带速低于滚筒速度的35%时,就有可能出现打滑现象,其背后的核心原因就是滚筒与输送带之间的摩擦力不足。那么,为什么会出现这种摩擦力不足的情况呢? 其实,很多因素都可能造成滚筒与输送带之间的摩擦力减小,比如输送带的张力不够,无法与滚筒紧密贴合,自然就会影响摩擦力,比如启动负载过快或者过大,也可能造成输送带瞬间打滑,另外滚筒表面摩擦系数不足也是常见的原因。 综上所述,解决输送带打滑问题需要从多个方面入手,保证输送带与滚筒之间的摩擦力足够,这样才能保证生产线的稳定运行。 我们是枣庄市金富莱克斯橡塑科技有限公司,是一家专业生产输送带的厂家,想了解更多输送带知识请点击以下链接:


Do you know what preparations are required before installing the conveyor belt?

Before installing the conveyor belt, a series of meticulous preparations are the key to ensuring the smooth operation of the equipment and extending its service life. Next, let’s discuss in detail the preparation steps that need to be taken before installing the conveyor belt. First, we need to check whether the frame is strong. As the basic support of the conveyor belt, the stability of the frame directly affects the running stability of the conveyor belt. Therefore, before installation, it is necessary to ensure that the diagonal lengths of the frame are equal to ensure that the conveyor belt can [Read More…]


What is the reason for conveyor belt slippage?

Sometimes we encounter the situation of conveyor belt slipping at work, which not only affects production efficiency, but also may cause certain damage to the equipment. To analyze this phenomenon in depth, we must first make it clear that when the normal operating belt speed of the conveyor belt is lower than 35% of the roller speed, slipping may occur. The core reason behind this is the insufficient friction between the roller and the conveyor belt. So, why does this lack of friction occur? In fact, many factors may cause the friction between the roller and the conveyor belt to [Read More…]